Comprehensive Human Design Analysis
150 € 1.5 hours
This personal analysis is tailored specifically for your needs. Your answers are of the utmost importance to me.
During our meeting we discuss the following:
- Strategy and Authority
- Profile and Roles
- Centers
- Channels and Gates
- Incarnation cross
- Nutrition and Environment
- Health and characteristics of the body
- Motivation and Trajectory
- Useful practices and examples
- Appropriate work and strategy for your personal success
- Relationships
- Fears
- Traumas in the open centers
This personal comprehensive analysis brings you closer to yourself and to the most authentic manifestation in your current incarnation. There are paths that you will walk easily and such where you will encounter difficulties. All this gives you more clarity and free choice to consciously make decisions on how best to structure your future.
You get in addition:
- Audio recording of our meeting
- Continued support after the end of our work
My work as an analyst and consultant is the most satisfying endeavor because my clients are:
- Enthusiastic to unlock their innermost potential.
- Ready to turn around their lives and allow joy and success to settle comfortably with them.
- Open to say “Yes” to a lighter, harmonious and happier life.
- Realize that every soul has come here with a specific mission and purpose.
- Ready to embrace new knowledge and wisdom
- Highly spiritual and positive people.
Together with you, we will achieve enviable results both in your personal and professional life. Our joint work will mark the beginning of many big changes happening for you. Even more, after our session is over:
- You will release long-term traumas and unhealthy beliefs.
- You will be charged with positive energy for your future.
- You will open your heart for divine love.
- You will find your unique path for success and prosperity.
- You will learn how to attract and sustain healthy relationships.
- You will realize your own potential and limitlessness.
Thank you for choosing me to be your guide for this incredible journey you have embarked on!